Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Marriage as a Mission

Have you ever thought of your marriage being a mission field in itself? Sure, we all know of mission fields where people go, either on a short term or the long term, to various places throughout the world to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Steve and I, and maybe you, have been on mission’s trips to different locations to tell others of Christ. But what about the ministry and the mission of living Christ within our homes… within our marriages?
A missionary is to live for Christ so purposefully that those who don’t know Him are eventually drawn to Him through the working of the Holy Spirit. The life of a missionary isn’t supposed to detract from the message of Jesus Christ, but to help uncover and reveal His message everywhere they are called to minister.
When you think about it, can’t that also be applied to our homes? Aren’t we called to live for Christ so intentionally that those who are with us will see Christ? And wouldn’t that also include how we live with our spouses —communicating the Gospel with and without words? We’re told in 1 Corinthians 10:31, So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
We ask you: Is how you’re living with your husband or wife distorting his or her view of the love of Christ? Does she or he see the glory of God revealed in the way you treat him or her? How do you help to bring God’s Kingdom into your house?
“Does your family see the difference Christ makes when you face a need? What difference does the presence of Jesus Christ make in your life? God wants to reveal Himself to those around you by working mightily through you. He wants your family to see Christ in your each day. God wants to express His love through your life. There’s a great difference between ‘living the Christian life’ and allowing Christ to live His life through you.” (Blackaby)
From the way we see it, God has entrusted each of us who are married, with a mission field that is right in our own homes as we live in covenant together…  as a cord of three strands (See Ecclesiastes 4:12). In truth however, that takes sacrifice on our part. There’s no doubt about it. It isn’t easy to live in loving sacrifice to God and to each other.
We’re told in the Bible as it pertains to marriage that those who marry will face many troubles in this life (1 Corinthians 7:28). It’s inevitable that the mission field within our home will not be an easy one. That’s the way of the cross —it requires sacrifice. We should never forget that, or we’ll miss the message of Christ and miss communicating the message of Christ to each other and those around us.
As author Larry Crabb said in his book, The Marriage Builder,
“Husbands and wives are to regard marriage as an opportunity to minister in a unique and special way to another human being, to be used of God to bring their spouses into a more satisfying appreciation of their worth as persons who are secure and significant in Jesus Christ.”
Are you doing that? Are you cooperating with God, as His colleague, in living out the love of Christ in the way you interact with your spouse? Are you allowing your hands, your feet, and your voice to be His? Are you conveying the heart of Christ in the mission of showing God’s love and the Good News message to your spouse? Are you giving him/her reasons to thank God for your marrying you?
Keep in mind that Christ said, I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me (See Matthew 25:44-45). And that of course, includes your spouse, because marriage is a living example for all to see of Christ’s love for the church. What you do and do not do for your spouse, you do and do not do for Christ in the mission of your marriage.
A great definition of marriage comes from author Gary Thomas: “Marriage is a man and a woman in partnership on a life-long journey TOWARDS God.” What a mission God has given you in your marriage! Are you helping your spouse in the way you treat him or her, to journey TOWARDS God in his or her spiritual growth, or away from God?
Are you living your mission within your marriage? What about today… have you shown the love of God to your spouse today? Today can be a new beginning if you have lived otherwise yesterday.
We encourage you to pray for your spouse and to pray for yourself that He will show you how to reveal His love THROUGH you to him or her today and everyday for the rest of your lives together FROM THIS DAY FORWARD.
We pray with all our hearts that none of us, who are married, will take this mission lightly and that at the end of our days here on earth, the Lord will greet us with the words, “Well done good and faithful servant!”

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