“While our cultural values continue to elevate marriage, our behavior drifts away from it. We’re a nation obsessed with marriage. The problem is that we may not know how to make marriage work” (Alex Kotlowitz).
To help us to “make marriage work,” we will share this week and next, 8 myths of married love and ways to dispel their falsehood. To do this we’ll be sharing parts of an article title, “Myths and True Meaning of Married Love” written by Michael McManus (the founder of Marriage Savers, Marriagesavers.org).
At the end of each of McManus’ points we’re adding additional comments, scriptures and discussion questions, hoping you’ll use them to spend “Intentional Time” with your spouse going over them.
“MYTH 1: THE PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE IS OUR PERSONAL HAPPINESS. However, if so, when there are inevitable disappointments, and crosses to bear, the conclusion must be, ‘Either marriage is not fulfilling its promise, or something is wrong with me.’
“Dr Glenn Knecht, of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Bethesda says, ‘The true goal of marriage is not happiness but oneness. Jesus taught, ‘So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate.’ Happiness is a by-product. However, seeking oneness is costly. It involves sacrifice of the ego, so human pride is crushed until it has no life of its own anymore.'”
- Comment on Dr Knecht’s statement on the true goal of marriage.
- Do you agree that “oneness” in marriage is difficult and can be costly? Explain.
- Does this “oneness” mean you can’t have individuality within your marriage?
“Marriage is an exercise in learning to submit even when we don’t feel like it. Knecht adds, ‘If your marriage is a tug of war, drop your end of the rope, so your spouse can win. Submission is the most demanding, most difficult and most important assignment in the school called marriage. It is giving up of rights.'”
- Read Ephesians 5 together and discuss what the Bible says about submission.
- Take turns commenting on what McManus and Knecht say about submission in marriage. How can you drop your “end of the rope” and yet not enable your spouse to continue behavior that you may find offensive?
- Speaker and author Cynthia Heald once said, “Submission is ducking low enough so God can deal with your husband.”
- Wives: Comment on that statement. Do you ever find yourself standing so firm on a point that you’re overshadowing what God wants to do with your husband?
- Husbands: comment on the following statement by Jan Schrader, “So many men want a Godly wife but they do very little to make it happen.” Is this true in your marriage? What more can you do to help your wife be Godly?
- Read together Philippians 2:1-11 and Romans 12:3. Discuss how this is relevant to marriage.
“Often people excuse selfishness, pride, or evil by claiming their rights. They think, ‘I can cheat on this test; after all, I deserve to pass this class,’ or ‘I can spend all this money on myself —I worked hard for it,’ or ‘I can get an abortion; I have a right to control my own body.’ But as believers, we should have a different attitude, one that enables us to lay aside our rights in order to serve others. If we say we follow Christ, we must also say we want to live as He lived. We should develop His attitude of humility as we serve, even when we’re not likely to get recognition for our efforts. Are you selfishly clinging to your rights, or are you willing to serve?”
- Comment on the above statement as it applies to marriage.
“Former Education Secretary Bill Bennett was invited to a colleague’s wedding. They did not exchange the traditional vows, but pledged to stay together ‘as long as love shall last.’ He sent them paper plates as his wedding gift!”
• Comment on the danger of promising the stay together “as long as love shall last.”
• What does this philosophy teach children about what marriage is all about —particularly a “Christian” marriage?
• How does this philosophy stack up against what the Bible depicts about marriage?
Next week we will touch on 4 additional marriage myths that fly in the face of reality. In the meantime, if you desire to learn more myths that many believe concerning marriage, the following articles posted on various web site links could be enlightening, as you read them:
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