Sunday, 9 August 2015

High vs Low Maintenance Relationships – Marriage

High maintenance, low maintenance relationships —that’s what we see in marriages all around the world. There are some marriages (but not very many) that don’t seem to take as much effort at one time or another, and then there are some that take a lot of effort —most in fact.
I got to thinking about all of this upon reading a related article, after we replaced one of our aging, high maintenance computers because of all of the problems, bugs, worms, Trojans, viruses and expense we had to deal with to accomplish everyday tasks for Marriage Missions. We purchased a lower maintenance Apple computer (a MAC) upon recommendations from our computer tech.
And then we came across an article titled “Hello, I’m a MAC. And I’m a PC” written by relationship expert, Scott Stanley (on his Sliding vs Deciding web site) and we can see how these computers parallel marriage.
In his article, Scott was talking about all of the problems he was having with his PC system and how it was causing him grief and how he was contemplating using a MAC for certain tasks —when he realized how marriages can be compared to these systems. He writes:
“How is marriage like the difference between MACs and PCs? Or rather how are differences in marriages like MACs and PCs? Most marriages, and I mean perfectly good, worth working on, solid marriages, are like PCs, not MACs. Just as there are many more PCs in the world than MACs, and there are many more PC marriages than MAC marriages. (BTW, if you think I’m talking about what type of computer you have at home, you haven’t shifted yet to the more abstract level. I’m not talking computer equipment now.)
“Here’s the deal. While the people I know with MACs are not always perfectly happy with their MACs, they’re mostly a seriously happy lot when it comes to computing. They turn on their computers (which look gorgeous, of course), they do what they meant to do in getting on their computers, they don’t think as much about the computer as they go about doing their tasks or following their interests, and then they move on. How simple. It starts up, you click on some things, you happily compute, and when you’re done, you do something else. And none of your time involves searching for an error message on Google.
“Now seriously, that’s not my experience with PCs. PCs are something else. PCs add a sense of deep mystery to life that is more in tune with the way life really is. PC people are living closer to reality in some cosmic sense.
“Some people have MAC marriages but most people have PC marriages. You know you have a MAC marriage if it just works most all the time and you don’t think about why it works or how to make it keep working. You know you have a PC marriage if you have to frequently reboot, install a patch, update something, scan for problems, or simply endure the fact that something isn’t working today that worked yesterday. PCs are exciting. MACs? Oh, they are so boring.
“I think some people end up in MAC marriages —which are much more rare than PC marriages —simply because of luck. Others do so because they are careful in the right ways about how they partnered up. For some couples, they simply had compatibility, attraction and a big helping of easy-going-ness. (Those with MAC marriages should not be arrogant; being thankful would be more the thing or else you may find your MAC starting to slow down.)
“Most marriages, and this includes very good marriages, are PCs. They take effort in order to keep doing the work of life. The truth is, in healthy marriages that have enough of the right stuff and that are not dangerous, the work is worth it. Sadly that message is regularly undermined in our culture. But it’s true, and much research supports the point. There’s no getting around the work. It’s just part of life in a PC marriage.
“And remember this, those of you in PC marriage: You have the opportunity of getting that deep sense of satisfaction that comes from overcoming things together. MAC marriage people can only dream of that joy.”
We believe Dr Stanley makes some great points for all of us to note. So, where do we go from here if we’re not in a MAC marriage, which is most of us (Steve and me included) and there is a lot of maintenance to be done to help our relationship grow in a healthy way? Do we throw away our marriage because it’s more work than we had thought or hoped for? Sadly, many people are doing that. Look at the divorce statistics.
But we don’t believe that God intends for His children to throw away their marriages (like outdated computers) and switch to another like we’re seeing over and over again in today’s world. But what can we do to combat this growing problem?
First, we need to help those who aren’t yet married to make better choices —GOD’S choices in whom they marry. Couples often “buy into the lie” that their love will just naturally grow more wonderful after they marry because their love is more unique and “different” than the other relationships they see around them. But that is the type of fairy tale attitude that is contributing to the high divorce rate.
The reality is that there is a lot more work and mature growth that is required than most couples realize before they marry. It takes more than a good connection in the beginning of their love for each other to make a marriage relationship a happy and healthy one.
Marriages aren’t meant to be disposable as computers —they’re meant to last a lifetime. And in order for that to happen, those who are looking to marry need to make sure they have what it takes to make that a reality.
We realize that there is a lot of denial and a lot of naivety that can be in the works before couples marry. But to the degree that it is possible, please help those you possibly can, to open their eyes to put in the necessary prep work to make sure they’re best suited to marry each other. Some people can have a lot of fun together in the short term, but they make lousy life-long marriage partners together —especially if either or both of them aren’t willing or able to grow in maturity together through the tough times they will encounter.
Marriage is for grown-ups —it’s for those who are willing to partner together in making their relationship the best it can be — one in which God’s love is lived out and can be plainly seen.
Those who aren’t willing to grow in maturity or leave their selfism behind, simply should not marry, no matter how strong their attraction is for each other. Also, being equally yoked is important —spiritually, emotionally, and morally.
We have a lot of articles and recommended resources available on our web site that can help couples learn about this and more of what they need in order to be best prepared for marriage.
It’s important to ask questions, be truthful with and find out more about each other, face Truth, pray, seek God’s wisdom, and find others who can help invest in your relationship so you can make sure you have what it takes to make this lifetime, sacred commitment.
If you’re married, ask God to help you to learn what you need to, so you can put the maintenance in that’s needed to at least do YOUR PART in being a good marriage partner. God will guide as you look to Him. That doesn’t mean that you won’t have to apply tough love principles or have to put down healthy boundaries or have to do some inner searching and facing of Truth at times, but God will help you as you seek Him —although it might not be in a way you expect.
And if you have a receptive spouse, find a time when it would be good to talk and can get on your knees together to ask God for help in teaching each of you what you need to learn so you can take your marriage to a higher level. Together, with God involved in your marriage as a “chord of three strands”, it is amazing how much your relationship can grow in ways you never imagined possible.
Don’t gripe about marriage being so difficult, or look at other marriages — wishing you had what they do. Instead, put your eyes on your own path, invest in your own marriage (rather than away from it), “reboot, install a patch, update something, scan for problems” and do what it takes to make the necessary adjustments and repairs to your relationship. And don’t give up so easily. Some of the most rewarding relationships come after a lot of very difficult, soul-searching work!
Realize that you may have a PC marriage and that is OK. Face up to that reality and grow in maturity and character as you work together with God. You may or may not ever have a MAC marriage, but it will be what you make it with the strength and the wisdom God can give you as you seek all you can become in Him.
Let us not become weary of doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9).
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:11).

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